Square Deal B Auto-Indexing Reloader 4 Station Progressive Loader Station.
Machine ONLY!
Order dieset and conversionkit separately!
Dillon 4 station progressive loader. Capable of loading 400 to 600 rounds per hour.
Dillon 4 station progressive loader. Capable of loading 400 to 600 rounds per hour.
Excl. dieset and accesories. Please order separately!
Order dieset and accesories separately!
If you have been loading for a while you know the small plastic tip on the primer tubes wear and cause priming issues. These are what you need to have on hand to replace those when that happens.
Machine ONLY!
Price is excl. accessories, casefeeder, conversionkit and die-set. Please order them separately.
Machine ONLY! Incl. conversionkit.
Price is excl. accessories, casefeeder and die-set. Please order them separately.
Order conversionkit, dieset and accesories separately!
Dillon Precision Failsafe Rod Shoulder Washer