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Gamo P-900 Pistol Set Bear Grylls 4,5mm

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€ 255,00

Weihrauch HW70 4,5mm

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Crosman American Classic 5,5mm

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Eenvoudig knikpistool, 4,5mm met gladde loop.

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Eenvoudig knikpistool, 4,5mm met getrokken loop.

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Eenvoudig knikpistool, 4,5mm met getrokken loop en verstelbaar vizier. Handgreep met duimopleg.

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€ 75,00

Baikal 53M 4,5mm

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Air Pistol Hatsan Model 25 • Single shot break barrel action. • 4.5 mm (.177) caliber. • Ergonomically designed, rugged & compact design synthetic pistol grip.

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Hatsan model 25 Supercharger • Single shot break barrel action air pistol. • Equipped with Hatsan’s XRS Recoil Reduction System for a noticeably smooth shot. • 4.5 mm (.177) + 5.5mm (.22)

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NIEUW MODEL!!   • Single shot break barrel action air pistol + carbine air rifle • 4.5 mm (.177) + 5.5 mm (.22) caliber. • Detachable / adjustable tactical telescopic rifle stock conversion kit included.

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4,5mm Our highlight is definitely the new  LP 8 Magnum pistol! 

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Gamo Compact Air Pistol 4,5mm Rechtshandig

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€ 145,00

Gamo AF-10 4,5mm

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Gamo P-900 Jungle 4,5mm lucht pistool, De P900 Jungle is een lichtgewicht, stabiel en nauwkeurig luchtpistool dat is ontworpen voor schieten op korte afstanden.

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De Gamo P-900 is een zeer fraai afgewerkt knikloop luchtdruk pistool. Het pistool is een 4,5 mm variant, schiet 105 m/sec en wordt geleverd inclusief schietkastje, schietkaarten en pellets. Zeer mooi luchtdrukpistool voor een mooie prijs! 

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Gamo Compact Air Pistol 4,5mm linkshandig

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Updated for 2015 with all new grip stylings, the American Classic is an all-time favorite among airgun enthusiasts.

The .177 caliber pneumatic air pistol features a single-action bolt design for easier cocking and loading, a rifled steel barrel for accuracy and an easy-pump forearm for variable pump power.

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Updated for 2015 with all new grip stylings, the American Classic is an all-time favorite among airgun enthusiasts.

The .177 caliber pneumatic air pistol features a single-action bolt design for easier cocking and loading, a rifled steel barrel for accuracy and an easy-pump forearm for variable pump power.

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Hatsan Supercharger QE

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Gamo P-900 IGT Pistol Set 4,5mm

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