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Square Deal B Auto-Indexing Reloader 4 Station Progressive Loader Station.
Square Deal B Auto-Indexing Reloader 4 Station Progressive Loader Station. 1) resize/deprime Station 2) prime/powder drop/flare Station 3) seat Station 4) crimp Loads only the listed handgun cartridges Automatic Indexing shellplate Auto Powder / Priming Systems Uses special dies Manually fed cases and bullets Typical loading Rate is about 300-500 Rounds per Hour Comes Complete With Factory Adjusted Loading Dies Ready-to-Use, machine set up with proper primer size & shellplate installed. The Basic machine includes the following: •1 machine •1 powder measure with large and small powder bars (small installed) •Small bar throws from 2.1 to 15 grains of powder Large bar throws from 15 to 60 grains of powder •1 priming system with large and small priming parts •1 early warning buzzer and rod for primer system •1 packet of tubes containing: 1 large, 1 small primer pickup tubes, 1 magazine tube, and one primer slide assembly, 1 powder measure failsafe rod assembly with bracket (13355) •3 locator buttons •1 toolhead •1 powder die •1 caliber conversion kit •1 set of carbide dies (except for 44/40) •1 Spent primer cup bracket, screws and cup •1 loaded cartridge chute, screws and plastic bin •1 written instruction manual The Square DealB is only capable of loading the common straight walled pistol cartridges, uses a proprietary drop-in insert style die, and is a great compact reloader. Machine height from bench is 18 1/2",
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